MyFolder Download



We recommend that you download the latest Java VM version by clicking the “Get Java” image below. If you are using Windows or Linux, you can download the installer that includes Java VM 1.6. If you already have the latest java installed you can choose to download the installer without Java VM.


MyFolder version 2.0.1

Platform Without Java VM With Java VM
image Windows (setup installer) Download (4.2 MB) Download (17.5 MB)
image Mac OS X (installer) Download (3.9 MB)
image Unix / Linux x86 (setup installer) Download (3.5 MB)   Download (22.0 MB)

Platform Notes:

  • MyFolder is tested and verified for Microsoft Windows XP only.
  • On Mac OS X Java is a part of the operating system and cannot be downloaded separately.

Installing MyFolder

  1. Download and install MyFolder on a server
  2. Launch MyFolder java applet
  3. MyFolder applet requires java 1.6 or later installed
  4. With MyFolder applet logon as administrator with user name: admin and password: admin123
  5. In MyFolder applet click on the Manage Users button and add new users
  6. Send the link to MyFolder applet to the users together with their user user name and password you just created. The link is http://<hostname:81> or http://<ipaddress:81>, e.g. http://myfolderserver:81